Everywhere you turn the talk is about the growing global economic crisis. There are people, far more educated in the matter than I am, writing kilometres of pages about the causes, the consequences and possible solutions of this situation. Its strange that when things were going real good no one thought of planning in case things went REALLY bad and we will probably be paying the consequences for a while.
The title of this post is not a call to arms but rather a brilliant song by The (International) Noise Conspiracy which I have been humming to myself all week and so I post an assortment of money related tracks for your pleasure this week. I was tempted to add ABBA‘s ‘Money, Money, Money’ to the mix but with John McCain selecting two of their songs as his all time favourites just a few weeks ago i figured the Swedes have had all the exposure they need.
In the midst of all the doom and gloom hopefully these sweet melodies will distract you all a little bit.