I felt a little guilty posting about something as trivial as a footballers collapsed transfer on a day when the whole world was tuning in to see a change in the Leader of The Free World. The truth is I wanted to let the news sink in a little and see how events unfolded before contributing my 2 cents. Besides, I had already expressed hope back in November and did not need to parrot all the other well wishers.
I therefore had a few days to think over and my track selection for this post and was thinking of George W. Bush‘s “legacy” throughout. I remember watching him get elected in 2000 and telling my friends it was going to seriously shape our 20’s (that turned out to be a huge understatement!). The guy seems like a decent bloke to go out for a beer (or seven) but I’m still not sure he was ever fit to run a country, let alone be the leader of one of the worlds last true super powers. The Who‘s track ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ is therefore very apt in describing my feeling towards ALL politicians since then:
“I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution/Take a bow for the new revolution/Smile and grin at the change all around/Pick up my guitar and play/Just like yesterday/Then I’ll get on my knees and pray/We don’t get fooled again.”
I’m just hoping Pete Townshend‘s sentiment doesn’t apply to new president Barack Obama when he then concludes “meet the new boss, same as the old boss“. Hopefully the An Angle track “Change The World” will be a more fitting prediction for the next four years and beyond. We can only hope.