Introducing Coltrane Motion


Occasionally I think this blog should be renamed ‘my daily odyssey and the songs that inspired it as most of the posts I have written have been researched during my morning and evening commutes. For just over an hour in each direction I can concentrate fully on the sounds from my headphones ignoring train delays, crying babies and youth gone wild.  Shutting everything else off and losing myself in the music is as much a need as a necessity for me.

For several weeks now Coltrane Motion have been my trusted journey companions on a quasi daily basis. The band’s lo-fi recordings offer a mix of tracks combining minimal indie-electro arrangements and a garage rock spunk, particularly in the vocal stye. Dropping nods to contemporaries and idols alike the Chicago duo could be painted as a mix of Beck‘s early blues and electronica medlings, MGMT‘s anthemic tendencies and The Strokes cool as fuck attitude. Crucially they remain hard to completely figure out throwing new ideas at the listener at every chance.

I was completely taken by their 2007 full length ‘Songs About Music‘ with its bursts of glorious tension and deceiving pace changes.  Their free to download ‘Bruce‘ EP featuring covers of ‘I’m On Fire‘ and ‘I’m Going Down‘ proved, once more, that Springsteen is the way to a Cougar‘s heart. Last month they released the 7″ single The Year Without A Summer” b/w “Maya Blue‘ continuing to deliver simple fuzz soaked melodies in their nonchalantly cool style.

Coltrane Motion are a band you should keep your eyes on because they could go a long way. Their releases have made my daily travels more enoyable; try them on your next journey, it will prove a wonderful distraction. I’m featuring a track from The Year Without A Summer” b/w “Maya Blue‘ as well as one of those sublime Bruce tracks to convince you.


Coltrane Motion – Maya Blue

Coltrane Motion – I’m On Fire

All these amazing releases are available through Datawaslost
