Justice, the French duo who once made our ears bleed in the best possible way, have finally returned from their sonic sabbatical with ‘Hyperdrama‘. This album offers both frenetic dance beats and moments of contemplative introspection and is likely to make you want to dance like a maniac as it is to ponder life’s mysteries while gazing out of a rain-streaked window.
It’s been eight long years since their last album and in that time, the electronic music landscape has shifted significantly. Yet, as if sensing a moment of vulnerability left by Daft Punk’s departure, Justice are once again preparing for takeoff.
Following 2016’s ‘Woman‘, which I found to be an underrated gem with its subtle explorations of disco-infused soundscapes, ‘Hyperdrama’ is a full-on assault on the senses. It’s as if Justice took the lessons from their previous releases and supercharged them with rocket fuel. This results in a triumphant return that captures the raw energy and innovation of their seminal debut, ‘Cross‘.
The album opens with “Neverender,” the first of two collaborations with Tame Impala. It’s like Kevin Parker has been abducted by benevolent aliens and encouraged to relay an intergalactic transmission, and the results are surprisingly…trippy. The rest of the album feels like a space shuttle journey through the Milky Way, with tracks like “Generator” and “Muscle Memory” delivering heart-pounding thrills, while slower cuts like “Saturnine” provide a much-needed change of pacing.

The production of ‘Hyperdrama‘ is immaculate throughout, with every sound meticulously layered and crafted. The album is filled with brooding soundscapes that evoke the feeling of being followed by a mysterious figure with a passion for electronic music. This release demonstrates that Justice are not merely rehashing past glories but is innovating with a flourish, unafraid to embrace a darker, more sophisticated atmosphere while retaining the duo’s now signature frantic energy.
Collaborations with the likes of Miguel, Thundercat, and the aforementioned Tame Impala infuse the album with a casually hip vibe and hint at the approval of their cool and slightly younger peers. However, while these contributions undoubtedly add depth, it’s the core Justice sound that truly stands out on these tracks.
With ‘Hyperdrama‘ Justice sound like they have reentered the orbit they were in when they first broke up. While it may not quite surpass ‘Cross‘, and let’s be honest, few albums can, it pushes their sound in new and exciting directions. It might have divided opinion, but its sheer force of personality is undeniable.
‘Hyperdrama‘ is a record that demands to be played loud. It’s a sonic assault that will leave you breathless, exhilarated, and possibly a bit deaf. But hey, that’s the price you pay. So crank up the volume, close your eyes, and let Justice take you on a wild space ride.