MothBreath: Weaving Ethereal Dreams into a Captivating Debut Mario·August 7, 2024MothBreath’s self-titled debut album is a sonic tapestry, intricately woven from the finest threads of sound. Drawing influences...Album SpotlightEnglandFeaturedIndieTrip Hop
Luma Fade Unveils Post-Apocalyptic Debut Album “Lunar Decay” Mike·February 8, 2024In the wake of the pandemic, I often find myself reflecting on the shared experience that swept across...Album SpotlightAlternativeIndieNewsUSA
Weekend Videos: Friends – Mind Control T.R. Wicks·June 3, 2012Bearing in mind the sound of now seems heavily rooted in the 80’s with its big drums, stadium...Global ReachUSAWeekend Videos
Chairlift release ‘Something’ album T.R. Wicks·February 14, 2012Chairlift seem to do what most electro pop bands cannot, and that’s edit themselves. The critically acclaimed ‘Does...Album SpotlightArtist SpotlightGlobal ReachUSA
Chairlift release new single Sidewalk Safari T.R. Wicks·November 3, 2011I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Whether you like it or not, clearly. The...Artist SpotlightremixUSA
The mystery of Golau Glau Chief Cougar·November 22, 2009“Golau Glau are an anonymous group of people who collectively create silverpop” This, plus a bunch of songs, ...Artist SpotlightBritish Isles